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Game/Elden ring

<Elden Ring> Hunting the Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast(Get Fallingstar Beast Jaw)

by TCM 2022. 6. 4.

Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast

  If you climb a high cliff with a ladder right next to the site of grace 'Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite', you'll see a crater-like terrain, with something like a bull in the middle looking towards you. If you take a few steps forward, the beast will rushes towards you. So do not let it hit you.



  If you want to summon a spirit, summon it in place as soon as you climb the ladder. I summoned Mimic tear. While Mimic tear gets the beast's attention, I was able to defeat it with Lion's claw. If you defeat the beast, you will get a colossal weapon, the Fallingstar Beast Jaw.



